Sunday, November 18, 2012

“Christianity - Is it Cruel?”

Christian Cruelty
The suggestion is that various kinds of cruelty are central to the Christian faith.  The notion is that throughout Christian history, the Church and it members have been cruel to both Christians and non-Christians.  Further the notion is that vindictive and spiteful cruelty is one of the major tenants central to the Christian faith.
Again, the prudent will find such criticism lacking in factual and logical thought.  In fact such thinking comes as a consequence of biased and even discriminating thinking by those cynical of religion in general and the Christian faith in particular.  As well this and other criticisms is predicated upon the notion that Christianity functions only because of some great power of manipulation, dominant control, and threatening fear.
To be sure one of the central elements of conservative Christianity is in the matter of sexual purity.  Such is viewed by those from a secular humanist view point as an impossible demand, thus cruel. 
The obvious assumption is that to resist and not give in to one’s sexual drives is at the very least unfair, at worst impossible.  Therefore to practice sexual restraint is to be cruel toward others and a mistreatment of one’s self.  Of course what this view of unrestrained sexual desire seems not to understand is that this is concupiscence and such is never without consequence in the life of the individual and those also involved.  This notion of unrestrained sex is what feeds into the notion of birth control through abortion.
Self Abuse
Another criticism is that such self abuse also includes self-flagellation, self-maceration, and self-immolation etc.  It is suggested that such is the sole property of Christianity.  That to say the very least is a limited, unfair, limited, and thus erroneous view.   
For example and though not widely reported there are those in India, Red China, and elsewhere who perform self immolation for political reasons. Another example is that there are those who live under repressive families and societal mores such as the Muslim faith in Afghanistan and are known to set themselves on fire.   Then there are Muslims who believe in and practice self-flagellation.  To even remotely suggest that these kinds of things are the sole practices of Christians is to say at the very least inaccurate.
Then there is the matter of the occult.  This example cited by those who are cynical about Christianity concerns the treatment of those who are involved in occult practices (most popular term is “witch”).  Yes, it is true that there have been excesses on the part of Christians in this area, what is conveniently forgotten is that Egypt, Babylon, and the Roman Empire also legislated and negatively sanctioned such practices.
Again how easy it is to be cynical about Christian faith, label some excess of history as abhorrent and fundamental to the Christian faith today and condemn the same. Such is either of malevolent intent or the produce of a depraved mind that has lost it “logic” function.  Admittedly such is not the sole property of the militant atheist. 
Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas
At times named as typical of Christians is the activity of Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas. It is here that there is common opinion on the part of those who are opposed to Christianity and most reasonable Christians.  One can field no justifiable reason for these supposed “Christians” to engage in their insensitive and barbaric activities.   
(To read a short piece on what it means to be a genuine Christian go to
However, to name this group as representative of what it means to be a Christian is equally unjustifiable. Perhaps those so cynical of genuine Christ followers might find issues with those who without thought of life and limb have served even the enemies of the cross.  People who have selflessly given and died for their efforts. 
Or how about those who today go to the remotest parts of the earth and care for those afflicted with HIV and AIDS.  It is all too easy to cite the few of Westboro while conveniently ignoring the thousands who have gone and today go in order to serve!
Cynicism and Bias
But then should one expect anything else from one who cites a few excesses here or there and with those make such outlandish claims.  What else should one expect from the kind of person who is so cynical that they are blinded to the truth.  The interesting even ironic point is that while pointing at the outgrowth of this kind of thinking (Westboro), they fall into the same thought traps.  
It is all too easy to take an excess here or there throughout church history and use those excesses to color the reality of Church history and of all who name Christ Jesus as Lord.
Such is not relegated to the past for the cynic fails to see that across the world today there are those who seek the betterment of mankind.  The predominant group to do so is not some government agency, certainly not Communist or Muslim countries but Christians and countries that have been strongly influenced by Judeo-Christian convictions.  This should say much to all but then such is as meaningful as the beauty of nature to a blind man.
Consider the Track Record
Again as in previous postings the challenge is this.  Among the adherence of various paradigms of truth, who is it that has done the greatest good and who is it that has been the most destructive?  The Christian church in its various rendering has exponentially out given, out served, and out sacrificed all other truth theories. 
On the other hand secular truth paradigms such as Marxism have been responsible for the torture, incarceration, and the murder of multiplied millions of people.  Consider the gulags, the Killing Fields, and communist repression.  It seems then that instead of providing reasons to reject or abandon Christianity, these and other facts provide a reasonable vantage point to consider, to embrace and maybe even to accept Christianity.
The evidence is there but only for the conscientious seeker of truth.  All others are destined to live out the consequences of their choices to look away from the truth.  As someone once said, “God gives you the power to choose but not the consequences!” 
To see the list of subjects to be discussed in this series see my blog (Christianity – Is it a Faith Driven by Fear?).  Contained within that blog is a reference, 20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity and in that reference is a list which is the springboard from which this subject has been discussed.

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