Friday, November 9, 2012

"Christianity – Does it Prey on the Innocent?"

To see the list of subjects to be discussed in this series see blog (Christianity – Is it a Faith Driven by Fear?) in that blog is a reference and in that reference is a list which is the springboard from which this subject will be discussed.
Another Failed Attempt at Disproving the Veracity of Christianity
This argument against Christianity is founded upon the notion that the education of children by Christians is in fact preying upon young minds through terrorizing and fear-mongering.  It suggests that Christians actually enslave children with fear and thus control and co-opt young minds before they are old enough to defend against being manipulated by fear.
Preying People
Who can argue with the notion that there are people who exhibit various forms of predatory behavior?  Preying on others for some people is a way of life.  Certainly of late the media has focused upon the predatory actions of those who are in positions of trust.  However, just as one cannot paint all clergy as sexual perverts because of the behavior of a few, so too one cannot paint all people of faith as seeking to prey on young minds. 
In fact, to label all because of a few or even many, is libelous, inaccurate, illogical, unfair, and without merit.  Such a position is not even defensible when viewed historically.  It is another failed attempt to discredit Christianity by those of such agendas.  The facts tell a much different story!
Low View of Children
Too, such a position takes a very low view of children.  It suggests that children are divorced from their parents.  Of course while it may be true of some it is certainly not true of the whole.  After all, where do most children run with their fears and concerns?  Of course they run to the sheltering arms of a caring mother.
What is the purpose?
Then comes the question of purpose.  Were one to look in the heart of hearts of those who have served children over the last 2,000 years they would discover a trend or two. 
Found would be compassionate caring.  These are those who heard Christ’s call, "Don't prohibit the children from coming to Me..."  These are those who were and are a reflection of their leader, the Lord, Jesus Christ.  They were and are nurturing and continually seeking the well being of children in their tutelage and care.
Sacrificial Service in Places of Great Peril
There are those who served and serve today, often at great personal sacrifice and peril.  Even now at risk of their own lives, they sacrifice the luxuries and securities of home in order to go to dangerous places in order to rescue children from sex trafficking.  Such rescue involves training and that training is not limited to religious matters.  Such suggestion as prompts this post as much as says these heroes rescue a child from one bondage in order to enslave in another.  Incredible.
The Reality of History
Deaf Education
Those who seek to discredit the veracity of Christianity with their wild accusations of darkening the early years generation after generation do at least one thing.  They demonstrate their own darkened ignorance of history. 
The truth is that Christians have done more to educate the masses than any other movement.  They gave to the world equal education for both sexes, universal education, education for the deaf, education for the blind, and yes, Sunday school.[1]  That all of these are for the purposes of preying on children’s minds is ludicrous.
Painting of Robert Raikes in Sooty Alley
An example is one Robert Raikes (1735-1811) who started what is today the Sunday School movement.  What was it?  Quite simply he gathered the children of the chimney sweeps in Sooty Alley, Gloucester (opposite the city prison)…teaching the Bible and basic skills.[2]  Notice that included in his training was basic skills and as any prudent person knows, training opens the doors to freedom.
The Real Abuser of Children
Hanoi Communist Soldier Kids
Another inaccurate criticism is that the education of children ranks as one of Christianities greatest crimes.  Of course to make such a statement steers the discussion away from the outcomes of being raised with an amoral, secular view of life.  The outcomes for such a person are much more dire than being raised in the reality of decisions and behaviors have consequences! Just because this is taught in the religious realm does nothing to challenge the truth nor invalidate Christianity.
Were you there?
As is typical of this kind of criticism, it is all too easy to take great liberties in making assertions instead of doing research to find out the truth of a particular question.  Such a person is colored by his biases and thus his scholarship is a bit on the sleazy side.
The reality of the truth weighed against one’s speculations will always leave speculations as wanting.  So too this argument against Christianity.

[1] Schmidt, Alvin  How Christianity Changed the World


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