Friday, November 16, 2012

"Christianity - Is it Arrogant?"

Christian Arrogance
The idea presented in this argument against Christianity is that the faith is invalid because it engenders a certain attitude of arrogant superiority.  Such superiority then is a plausible reason to abandon the faith and move on.  Those making that claim use a very broad brush and present as being of limited view.
Arrogance Disqualified
For example, arrogance is a part of the condition of man and is not limited to Christianity.   Who can miss the example of sports where one often observes that the participants develop and display an arrogant attitude. 
Does that mean that such a sport is should be abandoned?  Of course not!  Then why disqualify Christianity based on a perception of arrogance?  The implication of course is that Christianity is held to a different standard.  Those leveling the criticism in some sense validate the uniqueness of Christian belief and practice.
The Values Involved
Once again, as in many of these kinds of criticisms, one arrives at the question of values.  To negatively value arrogance suggests that there is something which is antithetical to arrogance.  That something then would be the value by which arrogance is determined to be wrong.
What is that opposite value but modesty?  Modesty is in the sense of humility or reticence.  That then leads to two further questions.
First, what is the origin of that value?
Second, by whose authority does one pronounce something as arrogant?
Relative Arrogance
Some consideration needs to be given to the degree to which someone or a group is arrogant.  Certainly, one man’s arrogance is another man’s humility. 
Would that not mean then that to judge something as arrogant, is simply saying that such an attitude or action is more arrogant than the one making the judgment.  By inference then to make the value judgment is to imply that the one doing the valuing is more humble than that which he is valuing.
Those of Arrogance
To be sure there are people and movements that have assumed some air of superiority.  However, such arrogance often leads to the humility of downfall.  The reality is that such groups have missed the point of Jesus message which was that His followers were to be humble servants (actually the word is slaves).
The Overall Picture
Were one to take time to view Christian history, certainly there are times of conflict and arrogant attitudes regarding others.  However, more often than not the genuine Christian was quite the opposite—often sacrificing much in the service of others.  Sometimes that “much” included the ultimate sacrifice.
Because of the sacrifice of Christians as they sought and today seek to follow their Lord there are education institutions, medical care facilities, stable governments, civil rights, women’s rights, and so much more.  However, one views the subject, one cannot easily dismiss the place of humble Christianity in these and other things.
To see the list of subjects to be discussed in this series see my blog (Christianity – Is it a Faith Driven by Fear?).  Contained within that blog is a reference, 20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity and in that reference is a list which is the springboard from which this subject has been discussed.

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