Thursday, August 25, 2011

“Open Confession is Good for the Soul”

Confess is from a Latin word for "together."  It simply means, “com” or together and “fateri” to speak.  In common usage it has come to mean admission to another as in "confess to a priest." 

The commonly misquoted Scottish proverb says in its original form, “Open confession is good for the soul.”  We might say, “Openly exposing your heart is good for the spirit.”  Some would argue, God already knows all things why should this be so.  Simply, it is not for the Creator's benefit but for the benefit of the created.

On another level and without a doubt, a return to an attitude of confession would bring health to our oft troubled souls. Therefore the following is offered for edification, and the spiritual enlightenment made available to the soul that seeks connection with its Creator.  The following will have greater meaning if verbalized, even if no one (e.g. a priest) is present to hear our confessions—the eternal God does.

I confess that I am not all that I should be—may I know wholeness in You
I confess my own pridefulness—may I know humility in You
I confess my own ungratefulness—may I know gratitude in You
I confess my own selfishness—may I know love in You
I confess my own insensitivity—may I know kindness in You
I confess my own malice—may I know goodness in You
I confess my own distrustfulness—may I know faithfulness in You
I confess my own coarseness—may I know gentleness in You
I confess my own self gratification—may I know self-control in You
I confess my own chaotic life—may I know peace in You
I confess my own impertinence—may I know reverence in You
I confess my own insecurity—may I know sanctuary in You
I confess my own fretting—may I know trust in You
I confess that I have pursued the temporary—may I seek the Eternal
I confess that I am a sinner and that I have sinned—may I know and experience Your forgiveness

Now once knowing and confessing these things may I live them out, not as an act of my will but as an expression of Your purpose.
  May I selflessly live them out in my relationship with You, my Creator.
  May I selflessly live them out, not just with those who are comfortable and affirming but with all who You steer into the pathways of my life.
  May I selflessly live them out in my relationship with myself.

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