Returning to the subject of the previous blog, consider again the external versus internal origins of truth.
Far longer than Modernism and Post-Modernism, there has existed the belief in Judeo-Christian truth. In fact should all people of all times be polled, the great majority would be classed in the Judeo-Christian camp.
It is Judeo-Christian truth that requires no particular level of intelligence or education for understanding. The fact is that it comes of transcendent revelation, that is revelation that contains two elements. First, its origin is from the exterior of the universe as we know it--it finds its origins in the Divine. Second, it is revealed to the believer on his level--that is to a child it is revealed upon the child level, to the academic on the academic level, to the simple on a simple level, and the list goes on and on.
Thus the mystery and the miracle of Divine revelation is that such revelation is made available to all people of all times on their level. Take for example the simple statement "God is love." From the earliest days of a child's understanding, through the developing years, the productive years, the retirement years, all the way through to last days of one's life, that statement can be understood, the only difference is in the depth of understanding. So it is with other elements of Judeo-Christian faith.
Too basic Judeo-Christian belief is universal in that it applies to all. It is objective in that it does not depend upon circumstance. It simply exists without regard to time, culture, and the individual. It is as eternal as the God whose character and nature it reflects. While nuances of application may vary over time, according to culture, and in the individual, the basic elements of its existence does not! Thus love is always love, murder is always murder, deceit is always deceit, etc.
The best way to describe such truth/reality is that it is not so much a belief in God as it is a belief with God. In other words, it is completely compatible and consistent with the nature and character of the Divine, the God who is!
More to follow as later we consider Modernism and Post Modernism and their outcomes.
Sydney agrees :)