A young man not out of his teens, full of life, gregarious, possessed of a servant’s heart dies in an automobile accident. How tentative life can be!
An elderly woman, full of years wanted to slip from this life into the next. She was granted her wish to join Jesus and her husband in eternity. How tentative life can be!
A young wife receives the word, you and your husband are going to be parents. A short while before birth the baby dies. How tentative life can be!
Two young marines are told, hold your position. A bomb laden truck attempts to pass. They open fire and the truck explodes both of them die. How tentative life can be!
The doctor clears his throat and in a non-too-steady voice tells the older women, “It is pancreatic cancer.” Within a month she is dead. How tentative life can be!
A young military family welcomes a newborn baby girl into the world. They awake one morning and the baby is cold and lifeless. How tentative life can be!
A wife and mother is visiting her relatives in another state. Her car leaves the road at a high rate of speed and she does not survive. How tentative life can be!
A very popular young man goes about his duties at work. Someone who does not even know him attacks him and he dies instantly. How tentative life can be!
A young husband and father, works a job and also in his family business. He is found dead of natural causes at a stop light. How tentative life can be!
From the baby waiting to be born through the years of life until one is old and full of years, life is tentative. Why then do we treat it and all it contains as permanent? Would we not be better served to live like today is the last day of our life on this earth? Each of the people mentioned and all others who joined them in death had a last day on this earth. We too will have a last day in this life. Could it be today? IT MIGHT JUST BE SO!
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