Friday, June 14, 2013

Choosing Reality

Not long ago, I heard about this billboard along the highway: “God is an imaginary friend—choose reality. It will be better for all of us.”
(From Our Daily Bread available at
While the world would be far better off without some militant and distorted forms of “faith” for the most part people who serve and follow this “imaginary friend” have made the world a much, much better place.  In fact it is hard to imagine what the world would be like without the influence of genuine Christianity!  Placing value on human life, sexual morality, the place of women, and education, to name a few have been changed for the better by Christians. 
Alvin J. Schmidt in his book, How Christianity Changed the World tells how people who were transformed by Jesus Christ set about to make the world—their world a better place.  Sometimes it was a movement like the Abolitionist Movement or the Hospital Movement but most of the time it was as a result of people changed by Jesus Christ who set about to right wrongs. 
An example of individuals serving is that when Roman families did not want a baby because it was deformed or of the wrong gender, they would seek to dispose of the child.  Christians rescued these infants and raised them as their own children.  Even greater are the numbers of Christians who go about doing good with no notice or care about the personal costs involved.  There are many who quietly serve those in need not out of some selfish motive but simply because Christ Jesus called them to go. 
No, the billboard was wrong—reality is that without God there is no reality

at least no reality that changes people so they can then go out and change what is wrong with the world.

1 comment:

  1. The bible supports slavery and hatred towards homosexuals and women and children (just depends on which chapter you prefer to believe in). Your god Jesus Christ (if he existed) threatened (several times as do other cult leaders) anyone that didn't accept him, to an eternity of burning and gnashing of teeth.

    If all these people are doing good for Jesus Christ, than it's not's survival...afterlife insurance. Jesus is their motive and eternity is their objective.

    Those that benefit from these people are usually led to believe in this god. In example; Mother Theresa in Calcutta converted over a million Hindus into Catholics. There's your motive...and she didn't do it without an objective.

    Atheists do actual acts of altruism for no other reason than to do benefit toward others. :)
