Monday, December 3, 2012

"Christianity - Is it Narrow Minded?"

Christianity’s Narrow Moral View
The suggestion in this case is that Christian morality focuses primarily on matters of sexual behavior.  To read the article referenced below in the background section leaves one with the sense that the writer is once again grasping at straws. 
The notion that “…everything not prohibited is permitted…” is a construct that has no general historical foundation.  Well that is unless a person picks and chooses historical events that may not even represent true Christianity in order to make his case.  Such is the case here.
Morals versus Ethics
In considering the question one must begin with the difference between morals and ethics.  Morals come from the word mores or that which the majority of a culture or sub-culture believes.  On the other hand ethics is more universal and objective.  Christians as well as others believe such to be transcendent.  To read a treatment of the subject see a brief treatment posted at  At that posting there are references to other postings on the subject.  
Wild Accusations Against Christians
Wild accusations against Christianity often flow without documentation.  While it may be true that certain clergy may have endorsed slave trade, such accusations must be supported with documentation or they quickly become irrelevant.  What is more, it also must be remembered that it was the Christian Church in general and individual Christians such as William Wilberforce who stood against the culture and was instrumental in the abolition of slavery.
Christians Ignoring Evils—Oh Really?
Slavery is but one of the evils that the Christian Church has stood against.  Therefore, to lay the claim that Christians ignore the very real evils plaguing society is something of a conflicting statement.  It conflicts with the truth and it conflicts with logic. 
The Basis for Evil
Just how is it one can make the determination that something is evil? 
Logically, there can be no evil without there being a standard by which to make such a judgment. (See argument in posting at  Again, the question arises as to the origin of that standard by which something can be valued as evil.
The common answer is that such standards came as culture evolved such values.  However, what cannot be answered is why there are common values in cultures that are separated and have no relationship.  An example is the preoccupation with life, even in the most egregious kinds of activities (infant sacrifice) such were done based upon the premise that pleasing the god would grant a good harvest and such was necessary for life.
In other words such actions as unconscionable as they were—were based upon the notion of the greater good.  That is another universal concept which incidentally is out of step with the “survival of the fittest” notion of evolutionary theory. 
The Good and Evil Judgment
Why then are such things as “…poverty; homelessness; hunger; militarism; a grossly unfair distribution of wealth and income; ecological despoliation exacerbated by corporate greed; overpopulation; sexism; racism; homophobia; freedom-denying, invasive drug laws; an inadequate educational system…” judged to be wrong?  By what standard does one decide these things are good or evil?  Again, one must consider the origin of that standard?
The Question of Responsibility
Arising now is the question of responsibility.  While the Christian church is to be the voice of reason and ethical restraint, there are some matters that belong to government. 
For example in the foregoing list, “…militarism; ecological despoliation exacerbated by corporate greed; freedom-denying, invasive drug laws; an inadequate educational system…” are all issues that fall into the purview of the government.  How is it that any logical thinking person would postulate otherwise?
You Really Want Intrusion?
The same voices that scream bloody murder when the church supposedly intrudes into one’s person life now are equally verbal in asking why the Christian Church is not involved (see previous post at
One cannot have it both ways.  Either one accepts the involvement of the church or doesn’t accept it.  Such again points to the unfair and illogical thinking on the part of those who cynically disparage the Christian church. 
Secular Champions
It seems then that those with secular agenda want the church to champion their secular causes.    However, again it is illogical for the church when it is mobilized brings with it ethical reality and such reality is not comfortable to the secularist. 
In other words, if you want Christians involved then fine but when such involvement does not fit the secular agenda then be quiet!
Put up or Shut up
Consider then the other social problems listed.  “…poverty; homelessness; hunger; overpopulation; sexism; racism; homophobia….”   Where are the atheistic groups?  Have they opened soup kitchens, rescue missions, etc.?  What hospital have they opened?  Christians have the YMCA, the Salvation Army, the Red Cross, AA, and many more helping agencies that have their beginnings because of Christian faith. 
In fact if you look at the Christian church you will find that against the mores of Rome they elevated the status of women, giving the leadership in the fledgling church and stood against racism.  As well, the charge of homophobia is the statement of bias by the writer (see below for source).  The truth is that most churches are well able to accept all kinds of people while not endorsing or even agreeing with their life-style and sexual choices.
So then before an avowed anarchist atheist gets too wild in his claims where is the Young Men’s Atheist Association, the Atheist Army, the Red Anarchist, Alcoholics Atheism Anonymous, etc.?  Oh and one more question.  Would you welcome a conservative Bible believing Christian in your group?  I thought not!
To see the list of subjects to be discussed in this series see my blog (Christianity – Is it a Faith Driven by Fear?).  Contained within that blog is a reference, 20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity and in that reference is a list which is the springboard from which this subject has been discussed.

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