Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Background to Part II

Part I ( began with the following three questions.
What is the foundation upon which one's truth paradigm is constructed?  Is it solid enough that it cannot be destructed?  If the foundation of one's truth paradigm is destructed, what will that do to the truth paradigm?
It was then that we looked at the foundations of truth and the structure of truth posing the question of whether truth finds it origin external to the material world or only within.  Continuing on consideration was given to an Open System Truth Theory.
The argument for validity was put forth from History observing that Closed System Truth Theory was a relatively recent arrival in the study of truth.  Then consideration was given to data and that 82.2 percent of the world’s population accepts some form of the supernatural.  Finally consideration was given to an argument from anecdotal experience.
The essay concluded with a summary suggesting that one might want to look beyond the argument of the naturalist.

Just what is Closed System Truth Theory (CSTT)? 
Simply stated it postulates that there are only material components involved in the existence of truth.  It holds that all truth can be measured or ultimately discovered by scientific method.  It is bounded by reason and argues that such as cannot be known by reason is simply yet to be discovered and understood or does not exist.
The one holding CSTT makes no allowance for the inclusion of the non-material realities in one’s truth paradigm. This belief is for the most part a relatively new arrival in recorded history.  This is naturalism [1] as opposed to supernaturalism.   
Argument from Example
The CSTT relies heavily upon anecdotal examples from history.  One list, titled “Famous Dead Nontheists”[2] includes hundreds of notables beginning in 551 BCE and extending to 2000.  In fairness to both sides, the compiler of the list does include comments that suggest that some may not be dogmatically opposed to OSTT. 
Another important point is that with the invention of the moveable type printing press (AD 1450), books and essays by proponents of CSTT would receive wider circulation.  Therefore, one would expect that soon thereafter many hundreds and thousands would be influenced by and thus accept the arguments and beliefs presented. 
Argument from Autonomous Authority
While there are several scientists and philosophers in the previously referenced list there are many who made the list only because they are known for their appearance in theatre, literature, etc.  However there were those like Carl Sagan who could and did argued their belief.
Missing from the list were two one would expect to find, Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins.  Hitchens and Dawkins as they make their arguments do so not so much from presenting scientific data or philosophic argument but upon skepticism of those who hold to revelatory truth. 
Consider the last work of the late Christopher Hitchens.  Its title is “God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.”  Richard Dawkins added his voice to the discussion when he authored “The God Delusion.”
Per chance someone concludes that these two men and others like them are presenting benign arguments consider that Dawkins, “…urges all atheists to openly state their position -- and to fight the incursion of the church into politics and science.”[3]  What is remarkable is his distortion of history.  The truth of the matter is that it is not the Church that invaded politics and science.  Indeed even a cursory view of current trends reveals that it is quite the opposite!
The Argument from Lack of Incident
Then there are those who argue from lack of supernatural experience.  These are those who establish and argue the validity of their position out of their lack of some experience or another.  It is their contention that because they and those closest to them have not experienced the paranormal, that such does not exist.
Of course for one to argue from this position, it would mean that many other realities of life could not be defended because there are many experiences that are not all that common. 
Summary Thought
The point of the Closed System Truth Theory is this.  If truth does not at the very least have the potential for being discovered or if there is the lack credible evidence, then there is ample evidence that skepticism is in order.  That skepticism then holds that nothing exists outside of the material universe.  Carried a bit further, one might argue as in the previous essay, that if supernatural even exists, it is beyond nature as man has discovered it and that being the case; it has no relationship with the life and pursuits of mankind.
Closing Thoughts
While there is much that could be written in comparing and contrasting these two truth systems, such is beyond the purview of these few words.  Further it is beyond the purview of these two essays to go beyond the suggestion of God, god, or the supernatural.  Therefore, there is no real conclusion presented herein but a few closing thoughts.  The conclusion and other subjects will be held for later discussions.
One’s Foundation
The assumptions (footing) upon which one truth paradigm is constructed, has great implication for one’s truth structure.  Said another way, it reduces down to the question of the veracity of the foundation upon which one builds one’s truth paradigm.  If the foundation is faulty so too will be the structure.
In a revelation modality, it could be some sort of supernatural being.  In a rationalism modality it would be the human being.  In a rejection modality, which is what rationalism really is, there is no room for any sort of universal truth beyond the rational material world.
So here are some questions from the notion with which these two essays began. 
How confident are you that the footing upon which your truth paradigm is constructed is sound? 
How pure is the sand in your truth paradigm, could it be corrupted with dirt to the point that your truth paradigm will crumble?
If your footing is sound, is the truth system you’ve constructed upon that footing sound?  Remember you can have a firm foundation but a flawed truth paradigm.
Lesson from the Real McCoys
Walter Brennan starred as Grandpa McCoy and the Real McCoys.  In one episode he decided to build a lighthouse on the McCoy Place (farm).  He had a great vision and great hope for his project.  So it was he gathered some materials and begins to build.  Luke McCoy, the son (Richard Crenna) warned Grandpa that he needed to first set a foundation. 
Grandpa rejected the notion as being one of those “new fangled” ideas and of course soon what he had built came crashing down.  Perhaps one might consider that it is building upon the foundation of old ideas (Open System Truth Theory) that provides the sure and sound foundation.  Perhaps it is the new idea (Closed System Truth Theory) that sets that stage for the collapse of one’s truth paradigm.
 Words of Wisdom
""...A foolish man...built his house on the sand.  The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell--and great was its fall." (Matthew 7:26b-27, NASU)

[1] Naturalism from Natural: …as "of the world of nature (especially as opposed to man)," from O.Fr. naturel "of nature, conforming to nature; by birth," and directly from L. naturalis "by birth, according to nature," from natura "nature" (see nature). From late 15c. as "not miraculous, in conformity with nature." Meaning "easy, free from affectation" is attested from c.1600. Of things, "not artificially created,"… full definition available at
[3] Description of Dawkins discourse available at

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