Though from the world of physics, frame of reference has become employed in other application not the least of which is in the study of truth (alethology). It most often has to do with what one presupposes or one one's assumptions. That is to say that what one assumes to be true has great power in the life of the individual for such is necessary for in order for one to arrive at some conclusion or another.
When in a disagreement, be it major or minor, most often the difference is in the divergent assumptions. Therefore, one might safely conclude,
"It's all in the presuppositions!"
Since such is so, it is incumbent upon each of us to make a thorough examination of one's frame of reference. Such is necessary for one to ascertain the genuineness or we might say the legitimacy of one's reality (truth). A failure to do so will leave one afloat in the world of theoretical speculation.
There is nothing more unfortunate than one who holds a faulty truth paradigm because they are unwilling to have their assumptions tested. An example is found in the likes of the late Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins who were and are unwilling to debate the issue of evolutionary theory with other scientists some of whom are not even creationists but see form and order in nature.
Open or Closed System
For almost all of recorded history there has been an assumption of an open system in which God or gods had a part in one's truth paradigm. Such a paradigm allows for the intervention of God or gods. In Western thought it was most often Judeo-Christian while in other places it might be a pantheon of gods, some other notion of a deity, or even ancestor worship.
Even such practices as magic (not to be confused with slight of hand magic), shamanism, etc. were only possible because the practitioners and followers accepted open system theory. However, man was to "progress" beyond open system, after all such gave room for there to be the divine and the divine sometimes is just inconvenient!
Then with the Enlightenment came rationalism and such discounted outside influence. Left with a closed system then those who assumed this position sought to explain all of life's processes in a cause-effect modality. This falls within the context of Western Modernism. Those who still embraced some form of Deity took the position then that God created and left (Deism).
The difference in the two systems (there are others) was in the assumptions about outside influences. On the one side were the open system assumptions and on the other the closed system assumptions. Of course when pushed out to their logical ends the outcomes were truth systems that were ever diverging.
Then to the mix add the assumptions of the Post-modernist who rejects all assumptions that lead to a notion of a consistent truth paradigm. While the Judeo-Christian position and the Modernist position at least hold that there is truth of some sort, the Post-modernist mantra goes something like, "Who says so and what do they know?"
Contributions to Assumptions
As surely as one makes a contribution to a savings account, there are less material goods that contribute to one's assumptions. What might contribute to such a system of assumptions? One has noted that contained within one's assumed frame of reference are "...a structure of concepts, values, customs, views, etc...."* Of course there is a healthy dose of life's experience, upbringing, formal education, informal education, etc. that contribute to one's frame of reference.
As well one cannot over estimate the power of what the word pondering. Found in the writings of Moses and others it is a Hebrew word which contains the idea of mentally comparing and contrasting ideas and notions.
Want to have a look at the puzzle again? When you saw the first rendition of the puzzle what did you assume? Did it have anything to do with the box around the dots? If you are like most people you made the assumption that the lines had to stay within the box which was never in the instructions. So then what effect did adding a larger box have on your view of the puzzle?
Assumption's Contribution
Think then about the contribution which comes of one's assumptions. Perhaps the greatest contribution is that of leading and guiding one to genuine reality (truth). Truth, genuine truth is durable and so any testing thereof, inquiry into, challenge, dissecting, etc.of the genuine will leave it unscathed and perfectly intact.
As well valid assumptions provide safety. It is as one's life experience undergoes scrutiny, that those things then contribute to one's assumptions which then provide a frame of reference for the identification and avoidance of danger. Such is not always in a physical sense.
Continuing, it is the assumed frame of reference that allow " individual or group perceives or evaluates data, communicates ideas, and regulates behavior."** So it is as Judeo-Christian Scripture teaches, that which is inside is connected to that which is outside. So if the inside is filled with faulty assumption that which ends up on the outside (words, attitudes, and actions) will be faulty.
Enlarge Your Frame of Reference
The point of all of this is quite simple. We do well to examine quite carefully what we believe, compare it to other things we know, seek to enlarge our frame of reference, and keep the process going. Remember this, "Genuine truth is durable and eternal. It will stand any and all tests."
However, keep in mind that man in his design and construction was never, ever intended to superintend such processes alone and without regard for the Divine.
*quoted in part from
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