Most of us remember where we were that day and many remember seeing the second plane fly into the second tower.
There were those with their cowardly actions thought that they could break us, make us fear, cause us to cower in our homes.
Some who believed in their cause stood with them and their dastardly act and then went out celebrating, hating, dancing, and rejoicing at our tragic loss. There are no words to describe these insensitive and evil people!!!
Some like Chaplain, Fr. Michael Judge gave their all! Thank you Fr. for caring enough to run to the danger with your firefighters and not away!
Most of the civilized world prayed with us and for us. From Russia to Australia, from Japan to South Africa, all around the world many hundreds of thousand expressed their concern and care.
Honors for the lost took place at thousands of memorial services and with the placing of wreaths, candles, flowers, but most of all their hearts.
The world's voices of compassion and care drowned out the voices of rejoicing and celebration at our loss. Not at all sorry to say the barbarians once again lose!
Some people took action...
Our people took over an airplane and crashed it in order to save people.
Your people took over airplanes and crashed them to kill people.
Then there were those who served, who ran into the burning buildings to save those who who could not help themselves.
Yes, there were pictures that will live in our minds.
There are pictures that will come to us one day and they too will live within us.
You may have caught us off guard because we as a nation believe the best of people. You may have taken advantage of our hospitality as your evil people enjoyed the comfort and safety of our country. You may think that you would break us but you did not. We are Americans and we do not cower. We still went to church, ball games, fairs, memorials, and other gatherings.
It is you who send innocent children to kill themselves while we protect our children .
On that 9-11, we may have been broken for the moment but do not take the shock of that moment for weakness. Our national resolve was strengthened.Our determination was renewed. Our resilience demonstrated.
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