"At one time we were free to accept differences as difference but now the acceptance of and celebration of Cultural Diversity is being imposed on all"
Keep in mind that to force one to "celebrate" another's culture is to begin the process of imposition. Such is not the model nor the intent of the following but what follows in this and other submissions is a suitable alternative.
In order to understand the application of the practices which will be later explained, consider the following material as to the background and culture. Yes, these are broad brush treatments and it must be understood that there are subsets of the culture in which the mores allow for relationships on a different level than in the broader culture or other subsets of that broader culture!!!
Technological innovation is not the only thing that is under rapid change. However, for the present it seems to occupy center stage as we see the changes in medical science, communications, understanding of the creation, etc. It seems that almost daily some new discovery or innovative application is made available.
Personal Differences: Each person is unique. In other words, when a person's DNA is knit together by the Divine, it is done in such a way that each is uniquely his own person. Most of those myriad differences are subject to growth and developments or failure and decline. Thus each and every person changes and though imperceptible change moment by moment.
Those changes may be in disposition, mental state, morality, opinion, aging, or some other issue. Such state of change has impact upon the social relationships in which such an one is involved. Family Systems Therapy suggests that to change one member of the family will result in change in other members of the family. Such is the case with other relationships.
Cultural Differences: When an individual changes his social groups, sub-culture, and thus, even if microcosmically, culture changes. With the inclusion of social media into the discussion, it is no longer just a cultural or national issue but in some sense this applies to the world stage as well. This effect can be both in the positive and constructive ways but also in negative and destructive ways. For example no country is immune from revolution as evidenced by events in the Middle East.
Language Differences: There is much more in language than words. Language contains power. Within the current idioms of English language there is a certain dynamic present. That dynamic because it is not guided by a tone of ethics has allowed for language drift. For example, years ago, if one confused the use of "I" and "me" correction by parents or teachers was soon to follow. Now one does not listen long, even to those who business is communication before they hear the confusion.
Another change is in the amount of techno-speak in the language. For example "Google it" or "spell check" or "bit rate" or "hot spot" and "email" to name a few, are all quite common in today's vernacular. Also think of the words associated with cellular phones. That leads quite naturally to the next area of change.
Technological Differences: Technology has not only become an important and some might say essential element of one's life, there is now a dependency upon it. Yes, it provides a certain efficiency in information retrieval, communication, entertainment availability, etc. Indeed the internet is an information super highway.
The question one must as is at what cost? The social media has won a place in the lives of many, me included, however, has it not been at the cost of a face to face visit? Does it not in some sense take away individuality from a person? It is one thing to read one's words and it is quite another to sit with, see, and sense a persons non-verbals.
Ethical-Moral Differences: In other blogs this has been discussed at length along with the implications of this cultural shift.
Religious-Secular Differences: Increasingly there has been a shift away from the religious elements of culture. Such a shift is so gradual as to be imperceptible. Yet, the effects are most drastic. It is the singular most important reason that there is the aforementioned ethical-moral shift. The problem with this shift is that it is a move to impose secularism upon culture and the constituents thereof.
Other Differences: Most certainly there are many other differences that might be cited. It is not that there is differences in the culture. Such has been so from the early days of colonization and even before as one sees the differences in the Indian tribes that populated what would become the United States of America. Difference is not the issue! It is the current trend by many to impose the notion that all must embrace and celebrate those differences. That my friends is imposition.
Within commonly accepted definitions of diversity there are words and elements which are common to almost all definitions in some form or another.
There is some statement about,
- Difference and uniqueness, requiring one to acknowledge the same.
- Recognition of difference, tolerance for, acceptance of, and respect for differences.
- Some kind of a listing of differences.
- A statement of one's responsibility for understanding and embracing those differences.
- The responsibility for the proactive acceptance, celebration, and even participation in those differences.
However, as with any imposed idea there are two elements that come to the fore. First, there are "unintended consequences." Second, there is "push-back."
The Irony of Diversity: The major disconnect is that if one is willing to embrace, participate, and celebrate in these activities and events, such in no way means nor does it imply that such a person is culturally competent. In other words, for one to be culturally competent requires a great deal more than participation. In fact, with the exception of recognizing that there is difference and listing those differences, one can be opposed to all of the remaining elements of the definition as just provided and yet be skilled in cultural competence.
Of recent date, there have been challenges to diversity primarily from two directions. From within there are those who question the veracity of the notion based upon the imposition factor as just discussed. From without there are those in the business community that are finding that unless diversity supports the strategic business plan of the company, such does not work.
There is another voice which should be speaking out and that is those who are disadvantaged because of how they are viewed as a result of the imposition factor.
Nearing the end of this particular discussion there remains one more consideration.
She appeared normal, attractive, seemed to engage with people, from a distance appeared articulate, laughed easily. To the casual observer just another family member or friend at the wedding over which I was officiating. The ceremony was over, pictures taken, and soon paperwork would be signed.
I sat when she approached and I engaged her in conversation. My earlier observations were quite accurate except when she talked. Her inflections were somewhat off and it was then I knew that she was stone deaf and had been so from birth. The only difference between talking with her and any of the other guests was that if she was looking away I needed to touch her arm to get her attention.
Observable and Unobserved: Without a doubt there are some differences that are generally observable. Differences such as skin color, gender, some physical characteristics, and generally speaking age. However, in the case of the woman at the wedding, I was reminded that some difference is observable and some is not.
Discernable: Then there is the difference that one might discern. That is to say that if one has any insight at all and is willing to observe and listen, such a person can discern differences which are worthy of sensitivity.
Discoverable: A few well placed questions allow one to discover much about another. More than one story is told of someone asking just a few questions with an outcome that the other opens up and shares much of what otherwise would be unknown.
Undiscoverable: This is the category which contains those things that are deeply hidden and held below what might be observed, discerned, or discovered by another. The reality is that some of these things are still matters of great sensitivity and though never discussed are still possessed of great emotional content and are the stuff or great sensitivity.
The one who makes no assumption about those he knows briefly, casually, or intimately is the one who may well escape the mine field of dynamic diversity. Bear in mind that it is not just culture that is in a state of flux but those who populate culture are so as well.
Therefore, the prudent must BE AWARE as what one observes, discerns, and discovers today may not be the same tomorrow. People change in all but the unchangeable features of their personhood. Therefore, the person one meets one day may well be a different person the next day.
Dynamic Offense Levels: Each of us is ever changing and therefore our offense and tolerance levels change from time to time. Such change may be small and unobserved and other times may be magnanimous and life changing.
Dynamic Culture: Since culture is dynamic what is not viewed as morally offensive today may not be so viewed tomorrow.
Certainty of Offense: Out of genuine offense or because of the one who is seeking to be offended, there comes a time when all are accosted for offending another. The solution to this and other problems is to be found in the matter of living based upon and out of an ethical lifestyle.
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