Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Law Assumes a Lawgiver - Part 2

Continuing then from Part 1
Matter + Time + Chance = Universe
Now back to the Hubble.  No one with a modicum of sense would argue that the physical laws that govern light do not exist.  Nor could one plausibly argue that they simply are a product of matter plus time plus chance.  There is too much precision and complexity involved for such to be so.   
However, neither can one argue that these laws were historically consistent.  There is no historical data from millions and billions of years ago which would allow one to reliably validate such to be so.  Most certainly there are tree rings, rock strata, and ice strata etc. but again the assumption is that botanic, geological, and atmospheric laws are historically consistent.
Once again there is that most troubling word, “assumptions” and what one is prepared to accept.  Those assumptions become the foundation upon which one then builds a truth paradigm.  That truth paradigm then influences how one views other data and experience.  Yes, assumptions are not without great implications for what we believe and how we live.
In my view there are four catastrophic events that possibly could have changed even the physical laws that govern such things as light and matter.  Yes, these are assumptive in nature and couched in the form of questions!
First, there are the events that are described in Genesis 1:2.  The question is this.  Why did the earth become formless and void with darkness covering the face of the deep?  In order for there to be formlessness, there first had to be form, etc.  Could whatever brought about this catastrophic scene have changed the physical laws?  One can speculate and formulate this answer or that but no one can really know for sure.
Second, beginning is the next verse is the creation account.  When mention is made of various elements of creation the question becomes, what changes if any took place in and among the physical laws?  Were new laws established or at least changed in the renewed creation?    Again one can speculate and formulate this answer or that but no one can really know.
Third, in Genesis 3 there is the story of the Fall of Man.  When judgment is pronounced could there have been change to the physical laws?  Certainly there was change in man’s makeup.  There is some mention made of changes in nature.  How were physical laws influenced by such as happened?  Once again one can speculate and formulate this answer or that but no one can really know.
Fourth, is the event known as Noah’s flood.   The aquifers opened and gushed forth their water, the water in the atmosphere descended upon the earth, and the earth was covered with water.  Again one is faced with the question.  Were physical laws changed? And once again no one knows for sure.
To reiterate, the basis of what one believes in these and other matter is based in the “assumptions” one is prepared to accept.  Those assumptions become the foundation upon which one then builds a truth paradigm.  That truth paradigm then influences how one views other data and experience.  Incomplete or erroneous assumptions lead to the possibility of faulty perceptions and conclusions.  Complete and correct assumptions lead to the possibility of correct perceptions and conclusion.

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