Some like to postulate that all religions are the same and that all roads lead to God. However upon close examination there is one important difference in Christianity that no other faith can claim. It is but one of a number of things that sets Christianity apart from all others.
God in an audible voice called Moses up on Mt. Sinai. Several thousand Children of Israel heard the voice of God. Moses obeyed and went up on the Mountain and the result was the Law which gave man a measure by which to see he is sinful.
God in an audible voice said that Jesus was His beloved Son in whom He was well pleased. Others present that day who witnessed Jesus' baptism heard those words. Within three years Jesus would die on the the cross, rise victorious over death, hell, and the grave, and mankind would have a Savior.
God in an audible voice challenged the Pharisee Saul, with the words, "Why are you persecuting Me?" Those present that day heard the voice. The outcome was that Saul would come to Christ and be used by God to write most of the New Testament and thus instruct those who came to Christ how to live out their faith.
When the TORAH was written there were those still alive who could say, "Yes, we were there that day and we heard the voice of God." When the Gospels were written there were those still alive who could say, "Yes, we were there that day and we heard the voice of God." When Paul the Apostle wrote of his Damascus Road experience, there were those still alive who would say, "Yes we were there that day and we heard the voice of God."
NO OTHER world religion has any kind of a record of a group, much less three groups who actually heard the voice of God. Indeed Christianity is unique among all religions.
More to follow!
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