Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"The Athiest and the Urchin"

Recently I heard the following poem...

“There is no God,” the speaker cried, “Don’t let your thoughts be chained.”
        “This universe evolved itself the world is self contained.”
Just then an urchin in the crowd a skillful pebble throws,
        Which accurately lands upon his atheistic nose.
“Who threw that stone?” the speaker roars.
At which the cockney elf intuitively keen retorts,
“No one it threw itself.”
So a pathetic casualty, discomforted and worse
Goes home to meditate upon this causeless universe.--unknown
 (poem available at

So if you are like the speaker then how do you view the world around you?  Are you...
An Animist – Believing that the world is governed by spirits inhabiting inanimate objects?
An Agnostic – Doubting that one can know if there is a God but not really caring?
An Atheist – Believing that there is any God at all?
A Deist – Thinking that there is one God who created the world but is not in control?
A Dualism – Believing that there are two gods one good and one bad?
An Existentialist – Believing that God is only available by one’s religious experience?
A Humanist – Assuming that man is in control and the master of his fate, thus he is god?
A Materialist – Believing that only matter is real and spirit does not exist?
A Mystic – Believing that only spirit is real and that matter does not exist?
A Pantheist – Thinking that everything contains or is god?
A Polytheist – Believing that there are many gods?
A Rationalist – Believing that the only reality comes of that which one can reason?

Do you believe in God who may at times be beyond understanding but still in all is involved in the lives of those who belong to Him?

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