Sunday, July 22, 2012

"BLAMING GOD? What is the point?"

Something to Think About
When events like that in Aurora, CO happen, how convenient it is to blame God with some thought such as, if God is so good then why did this happen?  However, if that is the God you want then there are some things that you might like to consider.  No God did not create and leave but he did "left."  He left man to suffer the consequences of his own decisions and at times those effects do not end with the individual making the decisions.  Aurora is a good example.
First, consider that in any time of adversity and challenge there are those who respond in various ways.
BLAMERS:  There are the blamers who will blame whatever “whipping boy” happens to be in vogue at the time.  Understand that “Blamers are often inflamers.”
EXPLAINERS;  Explainers often follow the blamers.  Problem is explainers in reality can be speculators.  Often they cast about verbally looking for some reason.
IGNORERS:  Ignorers are those who just do not get involved mentally, emotionally, or in any other way.  They avoid at all cost any connection with the event.
FACERS:  Facers are those who will accept that some even has happened, learn, seek the truth, hold judgment in abeyance, and provide what care they can.  It is this group of people who are not afraid to invest feelings and also take action.
ACTERS:  Acters are those who take action, do something, fix it or contribute to the fixing of the situation.  Those emergency responders who run into the chaos of situations like Aurora are such people.  Of course there are those who fix things on a spiritual level; prayers, pastors, bishops, etc.
Second, we do well to understand some things about man’s present condition. 
We live in a fallen world that is in a constant state of decline.  It is far less than it was in its original creation and will continue in it freefall toward chaos unless and until there is a radical change—the return of Christ, Jesus.
We live in fallen relationships with God, others, and self.  It is in these less than whole relationships that we are attracted further away from God’s ideal. The further a relationship is from God's idea the more chaos reigns in that relationship.  Among other things the following may be true...
A fallen relationship with God results in the choas of sinfulness
A fallen relationship with others (the social arena) results in misunderstand, the disparaging of others, distancing, hurt, personal attack, and separation
 A fallen relationship with self results in mental-emotional health issues, a lack of character, failure to make and carry through with decisions, and sociopathic thinking and action.
We live among fallen people and very often what we perceive as a disconnect with others is nothing more or less than the work of the Satan and his kingdom as it seeks to attack, bring chaos, and destroy that which God seeks to save.
We live and within us is a fallen nature.  No matter how we try to explain it away, we find ourselves doing the very thing we know to be wrong. 
Third, we do well to remember that in Christ there is hope.  God’s Kingdom plan is that we align our lives with His Word through being saved, submitting our ways to Him, being obedient to His Spirit, and having a deep connection to His Word.  That does not insure that we will not be effected by such things as Aurora but it does mean that we keep firmly in mind that in the end and only for the Christian there is victory.  Victory over the fallen world, fallen relationships, fallen bodies, and the effects of the world, the flesh, and the Devil
Be strong brothers and sisters, we who know Christ will prevail—some now all later.

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