Imagine that a person is driving and without paying attention drives over the speed limit. Maybe this has happened to you. Then it happens, a quick look in the rear view mirror reveals that a police officer is following and he initiates a traffic stop. He approaches your window and says something like the speed limit is 35 miles per hour and you were observed going 45 miles per hour.
When he tells you that you were breaking the law by speeding you have a choice to make. The choice is in how you react. Generally and with most people such an experience will bring forth a sense of contrition. Another way to put it is that such an experience softens the heart.
The other choice is to respond with a hard heart. The first kind of reaction is that of receiving the words of the officer. The second is to reject the words of the officer, put forth some kind of an excuse, or even argument with the police officer.
Now change the story to the person who while reading the Scriptures, listening to a sermon or a sermon in song, or simply pondering the things of God comes face to face with his failure to live by God's standards--God's truth.
Faced with genuine truth will either bring about conviction which then results in a broken and contrite heart or a heart that hardens against the truth. The humble and contrite heart receives God's truth and remains soft before it. On the other hand the hard hearted--the stony hearted person will on some level reject it.
Rejection takes several forms to include seeking to not be responsible with an excuse or two, seeking to rationalize one's way out of responsibility, shifting blame, denying the truth, and so on. It does nothing more than deceive the hard hearted and such deception further hardens the heart. There comes a point when the heart becomes so hardened that it neither hears, is convicted, nor cares that it does not conform to genuine truth.
Said again, facing truth will either soften our hearts or harden them. That is the serious state in which we find many people today, they have traded away the genuine eternal truths of God for those things that are comfortable, acceptable, and temporal. The consciousness they have of God is not a consciousness of God for it is only of a god that they have created. Such temporal values masquerade as truth and it is with great danger that some have constructed a whole reality based upon a foundation that at best is subject to failure.
Truth, that is genuine truth can, if allowed soften the human heart.
If allowed it can call us to account, to realize our own failings and sinfulness, call us to conviction, and challenge us to a higher level of behavior that is the living out of our faith.
If our hearts are soften, we are more likely to hear the voice of the Heavenly Father, more likely to take to heart the written Word of God, more likely to have a God consciousness, to feel the conviction of and communion with the Holy Spirit, and more likely to be in a position to have our hearts further softened, etc.
If our hearts are soften by genuine truth, it adds a God dimension to life and such a view of life if allowed to germinate and grow, day by day and in greater measure give spiritual understandings to physical realities.
Such an humble and contrite heart is key and essential for Christian growth.There is much to be said for the one who seeks genuine and Godly truth in order to be brought to a place of contrition that results in a soft and humble heart.
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